
Features are added, bugs fixed. How are Butler SOS versions set?

In the spirit of not copying information to several places, the version history is kept as annotations of each release on the GitHub release page.

Version numbers include up to 3 levels, for example version 4.6.2 (which is a fictitious version):

4 is the major version. It is increased when Butler has added major new features, or in other ways changed in major ways.
If following this principle, breaking changes should always result in a bumped major version.

6 is the minor version. This indicates a smaller update, when one or a few minor features have been added.

2 is the patch level. When individual bugs are fixed, these are released with an increased patch level.

Note 1: Major and minor updates usually include bug fixes too.
Note 2: If a version of 5.2 is mentioned, this implicitly means 5.2.0.

Last modified April 19, 2021: wip (0a4b79f)