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Configure which Sense servers to monitor

What’s this?

This part of the config file contains information on what Sense servers should be monitored and details about those servers.

Note that there is a dependency to the Butler-SOS.userSessions section. Please see the Configuring user sessions page for more info.


It’s possible to define server specific tags that will be stored together with the Sense metrics in InfluxDB.
The tags can then be used when creating Grafana dashboards, for example to distinguish between DEV, TEST and PROD servers, where servers are located physically etc.

You can define zero or more tags in the Butler-SOS.serversToMonitor.serverTagsDefinition section.
Those tags are then given values for each server.

If a tag is defined it must in fact be given a value for each server!
If nothing else just set it to an empty string or a hyphen, ‘-’.

Settings in main config file


The config snippet below comes from the production_template.yaml file.

Being a template, it contains examples on how configuration may be done - not necessarily how it should be done.
For example, the list serverTagsDefinition is optional and can be changed to something else, or removed all together if not used.

Same thing for the list of servers and virtual proxies. Update them so they match your own Sense environment.

    pollingInterval: 30000          # How often (milliseconds) should the healthcheck API be polled?

    # If false, Butler SOS will accept TLS certificates on the server without verifying them with the CA. 
    # If true, data will only be retrieved from the Sense server if that server's TLS cert verifies 
    # successfuully against the list of CAs available on the computer where Butler SOS is running.
    rejectUnauthorized: true 

    # List of extra tags for each server. Useful for creating more advanced Grafana dashboards.
    # Each server below MUST include these tags in its serverTags property.
    # The tags below are just examples - define your own as needed
    # These tags will also be used to label data exposed on the Prometheus endpoint (if it is enabled)
    # NOTE: Prometheus only allows label names consisting of ASCII letters, numbers, as well as underscores. They must match the regex [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*. 
    # I.e. if the Prometheus endpoint is enabled, the tag names below must follow the label naming standard of Prometheus. 
      - server_group
      - serverLocation
      - server_type
      - serverBrand

    # Sense Servers that should be queried for healthcheck data 
      - host: <>:4747        # Example:
        serverName: <server1>
        serverDescription: <description>
        logDbHost: <host name as used in QLogs db>
          enable: true
          # Items below are mandatory if userSessions.enable=true
          host: <>:4243      # Example:
            - virtualProxy: /                 # Default virtual proxy
            - virtualProxy: /hdr              # "hdr" virtual proxy
            - virtualProxy: /sales            # "sales" virtual proxy
          server_group: DEV
          serverLocation: Asia
          server_type: virtual
          serverBrand: Dell
          X-My-Header-1: Header value 1
          X-My-Header-2: Header value 2
      - host: <>:4747        # Example:
        serverName: <server2>
        serverDescription: <description>
        logDbHost: <host name as used in QLogs db>
          enable: true
          # Items below are mandatory if userSessions.enable=true
          host: <>:4243      # Example:
            - virtualProxy: /finance          # "finance" virtual proxy
          server_group: PROD
          serverLocation: Europe
          server_type: physical
          serverBrand: HP
          X-My-Header-1: Header value 3
          X-My-Header-2: Header value 4