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Visualising Butler SOS metrics in Grafana

Grafana is a powerful tool for creating dashboards that visualise data from various sources. This page shows examples of Grafana dashboards that visualise data from Butler SOS.

1 - Qlik Sense monitoring using Butler SOS v9.2 and Grafana v9.1

Grafana 9 adds some interesting features around alerting as well as serveral new and improved chart types.

A sample Grafana 9 dashboard is available in the Github repository.

The visual appearance is quite similar to previous versions, but line charts, tables etc have been replaced with the updated variants that arrived with Grafana 9.

2 - Qlik Sense monitoring using Butler SOS v7 and Grafana v8

With version 8 Grafana further establishes its position as the leadning open source platform for obervability and real-time dashboards.
Butler SOS takes advantage of this, below a sample dashboard is shown.


The screen shots below are taken from the Grafana 8 demo dashboard that’s included in the Butler SOS repository.

Feel free to modify it to your specific needs.

A concept that has proven useful many times is to use an overview dashboard to monitors high-level metrics for the entire Sense cluster. A separate, parameterised dashboard then drill into the details for each server.
Grafana variables make this both easy to set up, scalable and very powerful.

Sample dashboards are available in the Git repository.
Before importing these to Grafana you should create a Grafana data source called “senseops”, and point it to your InfluxDB database. When you then import the dashboards they should find your database straight away.

Dashboard installation

The dashboard file senseops_v7_0_dashboard.json was created using Butler SOS 7.0 and Grafana 8. It thus usees the new chart, data transformation and alerting features that were introduced in Grafana 8.

Overview metrics

The dashboard has a top section that’s always expanded.
A set of (by default) collapsed sections contain different kinds of metrics and log events.

Grafana dashboard Top level metrics

Low memory alerts can be set (using Grafana’s alert feature). Such alerts can be sent (using features built into Grafana) as notifications to Slack, Teams, Pager Duty, as email etc. To keep the dashboard nice and clean it’s usually a good idea to put alert charts in their own section at the bottom, or in a separate dashboard dedicated to alerts.

Apps in memory

From a sysadmin perspective it’s often interesting to know what apps are loaded into memory on each Sense server.
For example, when a server is quickly loosing RAM it’s extremely useful to be able to zoom in to the very minute when the RAM drop occurs, then look at what apps were present in memory. One of those apps is probably not well designed, or is at least using a lot of memory.

The dashboard separates regular apps and session apps.
You can also use Grafana’s standard filtering features to narrow down on the server(s) of interest.

Grafana dashboard Apps loaded into memory

Users & sessions per server

If things really go wrong wrong in a Qlik Sense Enterprise environment there connected users might be kicked out. It is therefore important to know at any given time how many users are connected, and be able to detect sudden drops in user count.

Another use case could be for maintenance windows: You then want to know how many - and which - users are connected, so you can send them a message that maintenance is about to start.

Grafana dashboard Users and sessions per server

User events

If Butler SOS has been configured to handle user level events coming from Sense, these are shown here.

You get information about where the event took place and which user has

  • logged in (started a session)
  • logged out (stopped a session)
  • timed out (stopped a session)
  • opened a connection to a new app
  • closed a connection to an app (for example closed a browser tab)
  • … and more

Grafana dashboard User events

Warnings & Errors

In previous Butler SOS demo dashboards this information came from log db.
Starting with Butler SOS 7 the source of this data is instead the log events introduced in version 7.

Some of this information is also available in the standard Operations Monitor app in Qlik Sense Enterprise, but only in a retrospective way.
Having access to it in close to real time makes it possible to act on developing issues quicker.

Charts provide overview while tables then give the actual messages, as they appear in the log files.

Grafana dashboard Error and warning charts

Grafana dashboard Error and warning tables

It’s also possible to drill down into individual warnings and errors to get very detailed information about what happened:

Grafana dashboard Detailed view into errors and warnings

Butler SOS metrics

Butler SOS is very robust indeed, but it may still be of interest to track its memory use, to make sure there aren’t any memory leaks etc.

Grafana dashboard Butler SOS memory usage

3 - Qlik Sense monitoring using Grafana 7

Grafana 7 is a big update when it comes to visualisations. Grafana was excellent already in version 6, but with v7 things are taken to a new level.

The screen shots below are taken from the Grafana 7 sample dashboard included in the Butler SOS repository.

Feel free to modify it to your specific needs.

A concept that has proven useful many times is to use an overview dashboard to monitors high-level metrics for the entire Sense cluster. A separate, parameterised dashboard then drill into the details for each server.

Sample dashboards are available in the Git repository. Before importing these to Grafana you should create a Grafana data source called “SenseOps”, and point it to your InfluxDB database. When you then import the dashboards they should find your database straight away.

Overview metrics

This view gives high level insights into the 3 virtual proxies (/sales, /sourcing, /finance) in this particlar Sense environment, as well as top-level numbers on users and sessions.

Grafana dashboard Top level metrics

Low memory alerts can be set (using Grafana’s alert feature). Such alerts can be sent (using features built into Grafana) as notifications to Slack, Teams, Pager Duty, as email etc. To keep the dashboard nice and clean it’s usually a good idea to put alert charts in their own section (see below for an example).

Apps in memory

From a sysadmin perspective it’s often interesting to know what apps are loaded into memory on each Sense server.

Here you get the details broken down by regular apps and session apps.
You can also use Grafana’s standard filtering features to narrow down on the server(s) of interest.

Grafana dashboard Apps loaded into memory

Users & sessions per server

If things really go wrong wrong in a Qlik Sense Enterprise environment there connected users might be kicked out. It is therefore important to know at any given time how many users are connected, and be able to detect sudden drops in user count.

Another use case could be for maintenance windows: You then want to know how many - and which - users are connected, so you can send them a message that maintenance is about to start.

Grafana dashboard Users and sessions per server

Warnings & Errors

This information is available in the standard Operations Monitor app in Qlik Sense Enterprise, but only in a retrospective way.
Having access to it in close to real time makes it possible to act on developing issues quicker.

Charts provide overview while tables then give the actual messages, as they appear in the log files.

Grafana dashboard Error and warning charts

Grafana dashboard Error and warning tables

Butler SOS metrics

Butler SOS is very robust indeed, but it may still be of interest to track its memory use, to make sure there aren’t any memory leaks etc.

Grafana dashboard Butler SOS memory usage


While it’s perfectly possible to include alerts in almost any Grafana chart, sometimes its nice to tuck the alert-enabled charts away, out of sight. They will do their job and alert when needed.

Grafana dashboard Alerts

4 - Qlik Sense monitoring using Grafana 6

Probably the most obvious and common use case for Butler SOS. View Qlik Sense and Windows operational metrics in great looking Grafana dashboards.

Grafana is an increadibly capable tool for showing time series data.

The dashboards shown here are thus just examples and inspiration - feel free to extend and adapt these to meet your particular needs. There are also plenty of sample Grafana dashboards out there to get inspiration from.

If you experience issues with the Grafana dashboards included in the Butler SOS release on Github, you might want to try upgrading to a later/latest Grafana version.

This is a top use case for Butler SOS.
These kind of dashboards give you detailed insights into several important metrics for your Sense servers:

  • CPU load
  • Amount of free RAM memory
  • Number of sessions in total
  • Success rate of the Qlik engine’s cache
  • Number of loaded apps in the Qlik engine

A concept that has proven useful many times is to use an overview dashboard to monitors high-level metrics for the entire Sense cluster. A separate, parameterised dashboard then drill into the details for each server.

Sample dashboards are available in the Git repository. Before importing these to Grafana you should create a Grafana data source called “SenseOps”, and point it to your InfluxDB database. When you then import the dashboards they should find your database straight away.

Overview dashboard

An overview dashboard could look something like this:

Grafana dashboard RAM usage for each server

Low memory alerts can be set (using Grafana’s alert feature). Such alerts can be sent (using features built into Grafana) as notifications to Slack, Teams, Pager Duty, as email etc.

Grafana dashboard General/high level user sessions info for both whole system and each server

You can also get very detailed sessions metrics, down to the level of individual sessions per server and virtual proxy.

One possible use case for this information is to see what users will be affected by a pending server reboot. You could even use this information to send a chat message to these users, informing them that their connection to Sense will be lost in x minutes. This feature is not available in Butler SOS out of the box, but is quite possible to implement if needed.

As of Butler SOS v5.0.0, detailed user session metrics stored in a fairly comprehensive way in InfluxDB. The visualisation of these metrics is still kind of rough though. The charts below can serve as inspiration, but can surely be improved upon..

Grafana dashboard Detailed user sessions info per server and virtual proxy

When something breaks in a Qlik Sense environment the logs immediately fill up with warning and/or error messages. By keeping track of these it’s easy to quickly spot (and get notified) issues when they first occur:

Grafana dashboard Detailed user sessions info per server and virtual proxy

Note how there are lots of INFO level messages generated (note the y axis scales in the diagram above!). In a production setting it’s usually a good idea to turn off extraction of INFO level log messages into InfluxDB.

This is controlled in the YAML config file.